Why we love WordPress.

Thanks to its REST API, developers now have an easy way to interact with sites with more versatility and efficiency.

This blog is a little more on the techy-er side of things, so if you don’t understand, try not to worry.

So, let’s get stuck in.

What is the WordPress REST API?

The WP REST API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of rules that allow different software applications to communicate with each other.

It enables developers to interact with the content and functionality of a WordPress site, from external applications.

This can include retrieving, creating, updating and deleting different content:

eg. Posts, pages, users, and more.

Key Concepts and Features

HTTP Methods:

The REST API works based on HTTP methods which include:

  • GET (retrieve data), POST (create date), and DELETE (remove data).

These are used to perform various actions on WordPress content.


These are specific URLs that represent types of data within a site.

  • ‘/wp-json/wp/v2/posts’ = a list of posts.
  • ‘/wp-json/wp/v2/users’ = a list of users.

JSON Format:

The API communicates using the JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format.

It’s lightweight, human-readable, and easily parsed by machines.

Benefits of Using the WordPress REST API

Decoupled Architecture

Developers can create these, where the front-end and back-end of a website are separated.

This allows for more flexibility in design, improved performance and the ability to use different technologies per layer.

Custom Applications

All powered by the content managed in WordPress.

Customs could include mobile apps, single-page applications (SPAs), and more.

Integration with Third-Party Services

REST API makes it easier to integrate WordPress with external services and platforms, like social media, e-commerce, and analytical tools.

All enhancing the overall functionality of a website.

Efficient Data Retrieval

By using specific endpoints, developers can retrieve only the data they need.

It reduces unnecessary data transfer and improves the overall performance of the applications.

Getting Down with the WordPress REST API

1. Authentication:

To interact with the API, authentication is required.

This is typically through tokens or cookies, making sure that only authorised users can perform actions on the website.

2. API Requests:

These can be made using different programming languages and tools.

Popular choices include JavaScript for browser-based applications, and libraries like ‘axios’ or ‘fetch’ for making HTTP requests.

3. Exploring Endpoints:

The WP REST API provides a list of endpoints that an be accessed.

Developers can refer to the official documentation to learn about the available endpoints and their functionalities.

What do you think?

This has transformed the way developers create and interact with WordPress sites.

It’s flexible, and its use of the JSON format makes it powerful for modern web-dev applications.

Though, if it’s not something you can get your head around, you can always reach out and ask Toast for some support.

We can get your site up to scratch, and explain functions like this one to you as well.
