JPPC chartered town planners

JPPC asked Toast to refresh their company website (one that we’d built many years earlier).

The project involved completely rethinking the existing site structure and improving the SEO.

As this is quite a small site, there was no reason to not be SEO focused and ensure that the site was built correctly so as to build on the existing rankings.

Space for projects.

JPPC needed a section of the site to display the large-scale projects that the company works on.

We built out a custom-post-type in order to deal with the projects, using custom fields to make the content easy to manage.

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Ongoing support.

We provide the team at JPPC with ongoing support for the new website, helping out with technical issues and SEO assistance to improve the sites rankings.

Website design for chartered town planners.

WordPress can be so much more than just posts and pages – essential if you are a chartered town planner and need to have lots of different information on your website.

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Custom post types in WordPress teamed up with custom fields means that we can build the CMS around your content requirements.

If you have project or case study pages that need to display complex data, downloads or galleries, these can be coded specifically into your theme which means editing the pages and adding new content is both easy and intuitive.

We can help with all things WordPress.

If you need to improve your existing site or are looking to commission a new website, call us on 01295 266644 or complete the form - we'll get in touch!

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